I’m the last person who should be writing about this because I don’t do it. However, if I were to stretch every morning, here are some of the benefits I can imagine I would receive!

  1. Get my body going - There are a few things to get your body going in the morning and ready for your day that I think can make a big difference - 1. Drinking a glass of water, 2. Getting in the sun and going for a walk and 3. Stretching. I think doing so gets the blood flowing and your body ready for the day.
  2. Improved flexibility over time - Flexibility is important as we get older. While you won’t have good flexibility initially, overtime it compounds. Imagine stretching every day for 6 months. After a year, you could join the circus!
  3. Reduce potential for injury - I enjoy lifting weights, and do I stretch beforehand? Nope and that’s probably why every once in a while, I experience some pain in my shoulder. If you are going to exercise, lift weights, jog, walk, etc. It’s smart to stretch your muscles each day. It can be a form of preparation and recovery. I know this from being a former athlete but I’m certainly not as intentional as I need to be.

I think I’ve talked (or written) myself into developing this daily habit and tracking it. I’m excited about what stretching can do for me and how it could help me improve physical health and fitness.

What are your thoughts on developing a stretching routine?