Here are 3 quotes that caught my attention this week on and the reasons why.
There is nothing in your life, past, present, or future that Jesus wants distance from. – @MattChandler74
This is a great reminder to open the door to Jesus in all areas of my life. He is there for me through good times and difficult times. Jesus is the source of my true peace in life.
Pray and leave the rest to God.- @klove
This one is a reminder of faith. Let’s not beat ourselves up about the past or worry about the future. All we can do is let go and let God. Pray and give it to Him.
Every kid needs a mentor. Everybody needs a mentor. -Donovan Bailey
I believe in mentorship. I think everyone needs a mentor to provide them guidance on the journey to get where they want to go.
What do you think? Comment below!
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