Most people I talk to who have mentors say they are being mentored in either their career or faith. I think both are important, but an article from Harvard Business Review highlights the value of mentorship across all areas of life.
As the article states, “most of the people currently acting as mentors aren’t having as dramatic an impact as they could because they’re too narrowly focused on career advancement instead of mentoring the whole person.”
From my experience, being mentored in my professional field, finances, relationships, personal development, and faith has been incredibly valuable. My mentor knows me across my entire life and helps guide me toward the outcomes I want to achieve—most importantly, my character growth.
Finding such a mentor isn’t always easy. I believe the best approach is through personal connections, whether in your professional network or personal relationships. Often, when you start looking for something specific or talking about it more, you’ll naturally get connected to the right people.
What are your thoughts on mentorship and having a mentor who supports you as a whole person, not just in your career?
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