I have taken more time in recent months to eliminate small bad food habits out of my diet such as with unnecessary carbs and snacking. I’m not a nutritionist and I think certain foods can have different impacts on people. There are some food habits I follow in which I believe boost my energy levels to push through my workouts and get the most out of my day. Here are a few of them:
1. Water intake
My goal every day is to drink half my body weight in ounces of water. Water is the body’s fuel and while I’m not always perfect at this habit, it’s one I track and do my best to be consistent with.
2. Carb management
Again, I’m not a nutrition expert, but when I played college soccer, I would carb load before games because I knew I was going to need the fuel to push through. I don’t get as intense of exercise now, so I do know that I have to have a balance of carbs. I choose to orient towards more lean protein such as chick breasts and balance it with lower carb options. This approach seems to work to provide the fuel I need throughout my day.
3. Supplements
While I believe in getting everything our body needs from whole foods, the reality is I’m not perfect. I’m going to miss some essentials or not get enough of them. That’s why I have a number of vitamins and supplements I take each day. With a high-quality vitamin such as the Nutrilite brand, my body has what it needs to perform.
The above food habits seem to work for me. I’m sure there is plenty of room for improvement, but based on my current activity levels, sleep and work requirements, I get what I need to perform and avoid crashing throughout the day. Beyond these 3 habits, I have to watch my caffeine intake and ensure I’m getting plenty of rest.
What do you think? Comment below!