Staying consistent with exercise or anything in life is a decision. You won’t always feel like going to the gym, but you go to the gym no matter what. Feelings are a terrible master because I often don’t feel like going to the gym, but I go to the gym because I’ve made the commitment to myself, and I have a bigger WHY in that I want to live a health life for myself and my family. Here are some simple tips I use to stay on track with the discipline of getting to the gym:
1. Make it convenient
I found a gym close to my house that takes me between 5 – 10 minutes by car. I can get to the gym quickly which minimizes my time to talk myself out of going.
2. I track my fitness
I track all my exercise, weight, etc. Doing so helps me on my grow plan. It also promotes ‘consistent’ behavior.
3. I have a daily 1-0
At a minimum, I know what I’m going to do every day to achieve that 1-0 goal. Could be lifting weights, cardio, or both. My 1-0 enables me to measure my consistency overall. Did I hit it or not? How many days in a row have I hit my 1-0, etc.?
4. Create simple habits
I want to make sure it’s easy for me to follow through. As an example, I might set a time limit for lifting weights and know that I’m not extending past that time. Maybe I need to do two sets instead of three. The key is to make sure my commitment is simple enough to where I know I will follow through. Once I’m consistent, I can make it more challenging.
5. Adjust routines
Sometimes I need to adjust when I hit a plateau. This could mean I group certain exercises together, or change up days, or my routine entirely. It keeps it interesting, and I find that every few months, I need to make slight adjustments in my routine to keep it going.
My mindset is consistency is the victory, whether in the gym, business, family, or any area of life!
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